Lost Creek 1 and Lost Creek 2 Hydroelectric Projects


The Lost Creek projects are located on Lost Creek at the mouth of Lost Creek Canyon in eastern Shasta County, California.

The Lost Creek 1 project consists of a 1.1 MW capacity powerhouse at the end of a 2,750 foot long steel penstock. Hydraulic capacity is 65 cfs and the gross head is 222 feet. The water is diverted into the penstock at an intake structure at the edge of Lost Creek. The intake structure includes a self-cleaning fish screen. The turbine-generator is a horizontal shaft Francis style turbine with a synchronous generator. Transmission to a third party substation is via a 3.4 mile long 12kV transmission line. Operation began on December 5, 1989.

The Lost Creek 2 project is located on Lost Creek downstream of the Lost Creek 1 project. The project consists of a 450 kW capacity powerhouse at the end of a 2,200 foot long steel penstock. Hydraulic capacity is 80 cfs and the gross head is 85 feet. A concrete weir diverts project water to the intake structure. The intake structure includes a fish screen and automatic screen cleaner. The turbine-generator is a horizontal shaft Francis style turbine with an induction generator. Transmission to a third party substation is via the same 12kV transmission line that Lost Creek 1 uses. Commercial operation began on July 29, 1989.

The owner is Snow Mountain Hydro LLC, in which Ida-West Energy Company owns, indirectly, a 50 percent interest. Operation and maintenance is performed by Ida-West Operating Services, Inc.


 Lost Creek 1                             Click on Picture to Enlarge


Lost Creek 2


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